Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

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Yet another screenplay update
By Doug Wu

I am still working on my screenplay, “Dribble.”

The main problem is that the screenplay’s revisions are done and yet it is still not done yet for some reason. The screenplay’s storyline is the same after all these years.

I used my free time during the COVID-19 pandemic to work on the screenplay in terms of making the text more consistent between scenes.

In other words, 1977 Star Wars’s screenplay was riddled with inconsistencies such as different spellings of characters’ names and so forth between scenes.

The idea behind my revisions of “Dribble” is to make sure that when I wrote hamburgers into scenes, for example, I wrote fries and sodas into those scenes as well.

So, I read “Dribble” over and over during the COVID-19 pandemic until everything I wrote into the screenplay was perfect. Except that the screenplay is still not perfect despite working on it for the past two years.

I need to stop over doing “Dribble” again and again and place it on the website.

All Contents ©2024 Douglas Wu